SCCS conferences are a series aimed specifically for students and have taken off all around the world! 

The Student Conference on Conservation Science (SCCS) series as been conducted in Cambridge (UK), Brisbane (Australia), Beijing (China), Bangalore (India), New York (USA) and Budapest (Hungary). It is the only international series of conservation conferences aimed entirely at students. SCCS helps young conservation scientists gain experience, learn new ideas and make contacts that will be valuable for their future careers.

The SCCS-Aus has been run in Brisbane in 2013, 2015 and 2019. You can see all the details under the Past Conferences menu above.   

Who can attend?

The program is designed for post-graduate students pursuing studies within the field of conservation science, including (but not limited to) ecology, environmental science, resource management, geography, economics, and social sciences. Registration is open to post-graduate students and early career researchers (ECRs) from anywhere in the world, with a focus on Asia-Oceania.

SCCS-Aus as been fortunate for all three conference in Brisbane to gain financial support enabling us to offer scholarships for a limited number of attendees to travel from the Asia/Pacific region to the conference. We are working toward this happending again for future conferences.

What makes it special?

This is a conference run specifically for students, and presented by students. It has also been much more than a conference - it's been 8 days of fun! We combined conference presentations with professional development training and workshops, field trips, and sightseeing around the Brisbane region.

Every participant gave a presentation in the form of a talk or poster, which provided excellent opportunities for networking and getting feedback on their research. We have also had dinners, a farewell party and awards night to celebrate the event.

SCCS-Aus in the future

SCCS-Aus has been run approximately every 2 years, and we are certainly planning another, possibly in 2021. The best way to find out about that is to like our Facebook page or via twitter, where you can read about future plans as they evolve.



Co-hosted by

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Turner Family Foundation

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the nature conservancy

Prizes courtesy of


SCCS sister conferences

Find a conference near you!

SCCS Australia (you are here)

SCCS Cambridge, UK

SSCS Bengaluru, India

SCCS New York, United States

SCCS Beijing, China

SCCS Hungary