rworkshopR for conservation biologists

Led by: Dr Brad Woodworth & Dr Felipe Suarez Castro, University of Queensland

Duration: Half day

This workshop will introduce participants to the R software environment and provide some basic training on using R for simple statistical analyses used in conservation.


gisIntroduction to GIS (Geographic Information Systems) for conservation science

Led by: Dr Stephen Kearney & Dr James Allan University of Queensland

Duration: Half day

This workshop will introduce participants to the basic concepts in GIS and its potential applications with the software ArcGIS or open source equivalent.


marxanMarxan for conservation planning

Led by: Dr Micheli Costa Duarte, Madeline Davey & Jaramar Villarreal Rosas, University of Queensland

Duration: Full day

This workshop will provide participants with basic knowledge and skills necessary to use Marxan for conservation planning.


grantsGetting grants

Led by: Prof Hugh Possingham, The Nature Conservancy

Duration: Half day

This workshop will cover some practical advice for writing effective grant proposals for research and conservation projects.


scientificwritingScientific writing

Led by: Prof Rich Fuller, University of Queensland

Duration: Half day

This workshop will provide participants with some practical tips on writing scientific papers for publication.



publishingMaster academic writing: four steps to getting published

Led by: Dr Lucie Bland, Deakin University

Duration: Half day

In this workshop, students will be able to write and publish their first academic papers. Written communication is an essential skill for many jobs, and students will be able to take these skills forward to other types of writing.


communicationScience communication

Led by: Jaana Dielenberg, University of Queensland

Duration: Half day

This workshop will discuss some practical tips on how to communicate conservation science to different audiences including the general public. It will help you identify the right tool from traditional news releases, to websites, videos and social media to engage with your targeted audience.


effectivetalksEffective talks and presentations

Led by: David Salt, Editor of Decision Point

Duration: Half day

This workshop will provide useful tips and tricks for designing presentations and posters that engage audience attention and leave a lasting positive impression.


datavisualisationData visualisation

Led by: Dr Blake Alexander Simmons, University of Queensland

Duration: Half day

This workshop explores the use of graphic design software for visualising data and creating high-impact figures.


videosProducing videos about your science

Led by: Nicolas Rakotopare, freelance photographer & videographer

Duration: Half day

This workshop will cover the basics of filmmaking, including simple tips for shooting (storytelling guidance and a variety of simple shots needed to start telling your story), editing (software available), a short live editing demonstration, and advice regarding equipment.


modelsPopulation and ecosystem modelling

Led by: Dr Matt Holden & Dr Chris Baker, University of Queensland

Duration: Half day

This workshop will give participants skills to use population and ecosystem modelling, as well as data, to aid conservation decisions.


mentorshipMentorship: creating and fostering connections

Led by: Dr Monica Awasthy & Dr Elisa Bayraktarov, BirdLife Australia & University of Queensland

Duration: Half day

This workshop will discuss the basics of defining mentorship goals, finding the right mentor, and establishing and managing relationships to increase success in the conservation world.


networkingEssential networking skills

Led by: Dr Duan Biggs & Hubert Cheung, Griffith University & University of Queensland

Duration: Half day

This workshop will provide some practical tips on how to effectively network at conferences and networking events.


stakeholderengagementStakeholder engagement

Led by: Dr Elisa Bayraktarov & Dr Monica Awasthy, University of Queensland & BirdLife Australia

Duration: Half day

This workshop will introduce participants to various approaches in engaging and establishing productive working relationships with the different stakeholders involved in conservation projects. This workshop may include playful elements from improvised theatre.


Co-hosted by

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